Powerful Dua To Get Love Back | Proven Quranic Methods

Are you looking for a Dua for Love Back? You are in the right place. On Quranilove.com, we share Duas from the Quran that give quick results. Mr. Farooq Ali only shares Duas after testing them to make sure they work.

Please read this article carefully. It will tell you how to read the Dua, when you will see results, and how it works. This Dua can help you bring someone back into your life with the guidance of the Quran.

I did this Dua for 31 days, and it helped me get my loved one back. Also, remember to recite the Dua for Engagement with Your Parents’ Agreement for extra blessings.

Losing someone is easy and it is a common problem for everyone. There are a lot of reasons like trust issues, faith, society, or parent’s denial of the relationship.

Sometimes, misunderstandings can make relationships harder. But this Dua will guide you in the right direction and give you confidence. It will help remove all negativity from your life.

Be sure to recite the Dua to Make Someone Fall in Love with You for the best results.

Follow Some Important Rules Before Starting Dua for Love Back in Halal Manner

  • Your intention should be very clear while praying and after that.
  • You should not do any kind of manipulation in your mind while praying, if this happens then the prayer will not be of any benefit.
  • You have to have complete trust in Allah, only then your Dua will be accepted.
  • Girls should not do this Dua during periods and if there is any issue regarding periods then talk to Mr. Farooq Ali.
  • You have to keep this Dua private to yourself, do not tell anyone until your Dua is accepted.

Benefits Of Performing Dua For Getting The Person You Love Back

The most effective part of bringing your love back is your faith and patience. Along with that, recite Surah Al-Fatiha—it is the most powerful for restoring love.

If you’re wondering when you’ll see results, they usually appear within 7 days. However, it also depends on how you recite the Dua. Follow all the rules mentioned in this article carefully, and your love will return to you.

Dua for Someone To Come Back To You

I am going to share some important things with you. First, I will explain key points, then I’ll show you the steps for performing the Dua. Make sure your mind is clear and calm before reading the Dua. Only when you are focused will you see quick results, and your love will return to you soon (Insha’Allah).

Important steps before Dua


  • First, you have to do wudu.
  • Then you have to find a quiet place.
  • Recite wudu 99 times because it is the most loving name of Allah.
  • Now you have to recite Surah Ali ‘Imran 11 times.
  • Lastly you have to pray to Allah to help me get my love back.

Most Powerful Dua For Love Back

  • Recite this Dua 371 times every day “Hasbunallahu waa ne’mal wakeel wa la Qwata Illa Baillahil Wa Naseer”.

Repeat the following 5 Tasbih.

  • Allahu Akbar (الله أكبر): 93 times in a day.
  • Alhamdulillah (الحمد لله): 74 times in a day.
  • SubhanAllah(سبحان الله): 71 times in a day.
  • La Ilaha Illallah (لا إله إلا الله): 93 times in a day.
Tasbih (in Arabic) for getting love back


What is Dua For People Who Lost Someone:

Here I’m to help you with how can you do this Dua:
“O Allah, forgive him, raise his rank among those who are guided, and take care of those he leaves behind him.

Is There Any Islamic Prayer To Get My Ex’s Love Back?

Yes, it is possible to get your ex’s love back in your life. It is mentioned in the Holy book Quran that you have to forgive him and try to start your new chapter of life with him. Get up early in the morning, pray to Allah and do Wudu.

 What Is Dua For Getting a Love Ex Back?

Qul Hu Wallah Hu Ahad in Arabic


  • First of all, you should make a fresh Wudu(ablution).
  • After that, you read Durood-e-Ibrahimi 21 times.
  • Recite this verse Qul hu Allahu Ahad Allahu Samad Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yulad Wa lam ya Kunlahu Kufuwan Ahad (قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ ۝ اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ ۝ لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ ۝ وَلَمْ يَكُن لَهُۥۤۚ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ) 1000 times.
  • In the end, read again Durood-E-Ibrahimi 21 times.

What Dua is used for future couples?

There are many Duas which is better for every couple. Dua makes your relationship stronger day by day.  Here is the best Dua ‘’ O Allah, you are the loving ( Al Wadud) and the merciful ( Al Rahman).  It means please, Allah put love and mercy in the hearts of this couple for each other. Our creator, strengthen the hearts of the bride and groom with faith and let them enhance in their love and commitment to you. Reciting Dua to Get What You Want may also help.

Major Drawbacks of Reciting Dua in the Wrong Way

If you recite the Dua incorrectly, it could cause serious harm, and the loss may be so great that you can’t recover from it. The biggest loss is that your Dua won’t be accepted if it’s not recited properly.


I have told you everything in this article, now you do not need to go here and there, if you read this Dua on time and completely then your love will come back to you. If you are facing difficulty in reading the Dua then you should contact Farooq Ali.



  • Molana Farooq Ali

    Molana Farook Ali is an experienced Islamic scholar specializing in authentic Duas and Wazifas. With a deep understanding of the Qur'an and Hadith, he helps individuals solve personal and love-related problems. As the founder of Qurani Love, he offers free, trusted guidance to people worldwide, ensuring every solution aligns with Islamic teachings.

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